Sunday, July 3, 2011

Webelos Session 1, Day 1

Today at Camp Mountain Run, we welcomed six Webelos Scouts. Webelos, are the bridge between Cub Scouting, and Boy Scouting. They are typically in the 9-11 year old range. We are running two sessions this year, and this first one has six Scouts in it. Each year, the Cub/Webelos Camp has a theme. This years is "The Wild West". As Staff members, we have to dress up as a character from that time, (I myself am going a Wyatt Earp) so if you wonder why we are not in uniform, that's the reason why. Check in was the same... They had to get their physical recheck, take their swim test, and unpack.

After Supper, the Scouts watched a training video on Firearm Safety. That way, tomorrow, they are able to go right out to the rifle range, and use the BB Guns!

We held an Opening Campfire for them, and after it was over, they were able to go to the Trading Post.

So, all in all, a great quiet start to this session... Tommorrow, we have lots of program for the Scouts, and then in the evening... Fireworks!

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