Saturday, June 18, 2011

Staff Week Day 2

Today was a very productive day!

It was the Bucktail Council's annual "Steak and Service Day". How this works, is that if you arrive at Camp Mountain Run before 9:00 am, work all day around camp, you get a Steak Dinner for only 1.00$! We had a great turn out. Troops came and helped set up the tents in Mohawk Campsite, and we had representatives from the Ah Tic Lodge/Order of the Arrow coming to help as well!, So a big "Thanks" to every one who gave their time for the camp.

As Staff Members, we still had lots of things to do. We were in Training classes for part of the day, and going over the final campsite check-off. We did have a little play time after lunch.

We also have quite a few new Staff Members this Summer, and I would like to take the time to introduce some of them to you over the next few weeks.

Today, we have our Chaplin Jenn. Jenn hails from Brookville PA, and loves the TV Show NCIS. Her Favorits songs are Amazing Grace, and Kum By Yah. Her favorite meal is Beef Stroganoff, and her favorite Candy is Reese's,

So when you see Jenn, make sure you stop and say hi!

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